Vincent Divol


  1. Divol, V., Gaucher, S. (2024).Demographic parity in regression and classification within the unawareness framework. arxiv
  2. Arnal C., Cohen-Steiner D., Divol, V. (2024). Wasserstein convergence of Čech persistence diagrams for samplings of submanifolds. arxiv
  3. Divol, V., Niles-Weed J., Pooladian A-A. (2024). Tight stability bounds for entropic Brenier maps. arxiv
  4. Arnal C., Cohen-Steiner D., Divol, V. (2023). Critical points of the distance function to a generic submanifold. arxiv
  5. Divol, V., Niles-Weed J., Pooladian A-A. (2022). Optimal transport map estimation in general function spaces. arxiv
  6. Divol, V. (2021). A short proof on the rate of convergence of the empirical measure for the Wasserstein distance. arxiv


  1. Pooladian A-A., Divol, V., Niles-Weed J., (2023). Minimax estimation of discontinuous optimal transport maps: The semi-discrete case. 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023). PMLR. proceedings (equal contributions)
  2. Divol, V. (2022). Measure estimation on manifolds: an optimal transport approach. Probability Theory and Related Fields. journal
  3. Divol, V. (2021). Minimax adaptive estimation in manifold inference. Electronic Journal of Statistics. journal
  4. Divol, V., Lacombe, T. (2021). Estimation and Quantization of Expected Persistence Diagrams. 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021). PMLR. proceedings
  5. Divol, V., Lacombe, T. (2021). Understanding the topology and the geometry of the space of persistence diagrams via optimal partial transport. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology. journal
  6. Divol, V., Chazal, F. (2019). The density of expected persistence diagrams and its kernel based estimation. Journal of Computational Geometry. journal
  7. Divol, V., Polonik, W. (2019). On the choice of weight functions for linear representations of persistence diagrams. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology. journal
  8. Chazal, F., Divol, V. (2018). The density of expected persistence diagrams and its kernel based estimation. 34th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2018). proceedings

Ph.D. Thesis

Here is my Ph.D. thesis manuscript. You can find the corresponding slides there, and a video recording of the defense itself there.